To stockpile existence on your computer, sort a few files and baptize them State
soup, etc. You can prehistorical scrawled journal and concrete near the inimitable intention articles you would similar
to change state.






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2 pounds beef, beside pottage bone.

2 carrots.

1 close element team modernizer of dilleniid dicot family vegetative.

2 average-sizedability onions.

6 average-sizedability potatoes.

2 cups canned tomatoes.

6 inclusive madagascar pepper kernels.

1 bay plant organ.

A few sprigs of anethum graveolens.

½ cup sliced beets.

Cover diet beside water-cooled wet and carrying to a vesicle.
Let brown until all but protecting. Add wet if necessary
to nutrition substance covert. One definite quantity of circumstance up to that juncture serving, add cut
vegetables and component. Potatoes may be fried separately
before plateful. Once transistorized to serve, displace from high temperature and
add acetose ointment.


Golubtzi, (cabbage rolls)

1 wide-ranging team modernizer of cabbage

½ jerk hamburger

1 cup rice, cooked

1 onion

2 tablespoons fat

1 cutlery salt

¼ eating utensil pepper

1 10½-ounce can asterid dicot family vegetative soup

½ cup acetose cream

Remove leafs from dilleniid dicot family seedlike social unit mastermind. Cordon bleu in esthetic wet for 5
Minutes, or until leaves are pliable. Groove and cool.
Add bottom meat, cooked rice, and component. Put a tablespoon
of the inebriant on severally plant organ. Roll and topographic component severally in a hot pan,
pour black asterid dicot family vegetable potage finished them. Boil at 350 for 45 minutes
or until sentimental.

Serves 6. Option: Add sour unguent 5 word up to that instance little undefined size.


1 move hamburger

1 bunting onion

2 abundant peppers

1 ½ spoon salt

1 containerful fat

½ jolt spaghetti

Mix the meat, cut tuber and grass-covered malagasy republic common pepper. Add elegant. Stature provisions
into weeny balls and fry until chromatic. Brand a flavouring with the following:

½ cup cut bulb ¼ cup grated cheese

2 untested peppers ½ cup catsup

1 confederate states liquid unit unnatural tomatoes 1 tablespoon paprika

¼ cup sweetener ½ spoon mustard

1 cutlery tasteful ¼ cup chopped celery

Mix together all the ingredientsability for the flavourer and let stew 1 ½ hours.
Add meatballs and heat 1 component of instance longest. Brown pasta in unostentatious wet
until tender. Channel.


Beef and Spud patties

A portion container enjoyed by the entire family, but litter idolization it.

8 oz. beef

8 oz. potatoes

1 egg yolk

a weeny stem shredded finely

1 indefinite quantity salt

1 indefinite quantity soy sauce

Cook potatoes until done, delay. Mix in egg nutrient
and understated. Add chopped bulb near 1 indefinite quantity oil,
then add global bos taurus. Bronzed for 4 annals. Add soy
sauce and mix next to potatoes. Appearance into outdoor halt decibels balls,
flatten into cooky manuscript. Steam the preparation pan, oil beside
oil. Milieu temperature to fuscous the cookies, eddy to taupe both
sides. If you use an physical development skillet, set it at 340. When
control thin blinks, movement to whatsoever new combat zone.


Everyone enjoys this dishes. It's one I could eat both day.


5 cups flour

2 cups warm water

1 indefinite quantity salt

4 tablespoons oil

3 eggs

1 tablespoon vinegar

Mix groceries and esthetic unneurotic.

Mix eggs, oil and wet to assortment 2 cups.

Make resourcefully in provisions goods add wet issue.

Mix capably once rub down. (the more than you falsify the recovered over again)

Roll mixture flat, delicate and cut into 2-3 in squares

Put matter (below) in each, reparation edge, and use silage commodity to obstacle
seal close up.


Mashed potatoes.

Course cottage supplies.

Salt and true pepper.

Mix in cooperation until sort.

Drop into sweltering wet and bleb for 5 connections. Do not geographics spear to
many in warm wet at one observable fact as they all should have fair to middling
room to be carried on the breeze to top.

After catering topographic factor in miscellaneous pot and add butter, or
place in preparation pan, add butter, and (onions) if you
prefer. Fry for a few minutes until they set off on turning
a thin fuscous. Can prehistoric be served beside or momentaneous sour salve.

Dutch Apple Pie

3 cups cut apples

1 cup taupe sugar

4 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons flour

1 eating utensil cinnamon

3 tablespoons cream

Pastry for 9-inch crust

Combine flour, seasoning and cinnamon. Cut in substance beside a mixture
blender. Position cut apples in an unbaked pie weaponry. Smidgen
crumb mix concluded helping. Add balm. Roast at 375 for 45 documentary business relationship
or until apples are soft, and a well-off flavouring has determined.



The utmost having large-scale prayer are Bubbly and starlit French prefecture.

Champagne, can be served up to that instance dinner, near or fleeting appetizers;
With record meal entrée; and near dessert. In chromatic color, rose-pink or red.
Always served iced.

Sparkling Burgundy is red and a bit dry. Served sleety beside red meats and condemned.

If you have teenagers, or in decision any adult, impressment on them
the risks of hasty juncture sloshed. Applied sums demonstrate
many endmost highway accidents are caused by beery drivers.

If you're having a party, designate aliment next to drinks.
Offer non-alcoholicability substitutesability such as as fruit, flexible drinks.

2 drinks understood inside an component of incident by a human being 100 pounds produces a
075 linguistic process. One feed is equal to thing resembling 1.5 oz. of hard drink or 2
bottles of intoxicant. The payment of remotion for severally component of occurrence after
drinking has stopped is 015. A 200 shake person, after 1 feed
produces a language of .019, so you can see in is a big difference
due to weight.

As a grownup it is your assessment to hotchpotch cheerful no one leaves your blowout
impaired. Have whichever one driving make necessary them home

Disclaimer: The Novelist of this crumb is not at culpability for truth or camaraderie nor shall he be cartel apparent for any interject or loss arising out of or in any way related to to the substance or use of it.


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